The most important event in a Slavic home is the wedding meeting, which is frequently celebrated in flower, summer or fall. It was a time for celebration and delight, as it marked the beginning of the new living. Military married after successful activities, fishermen held their ceremonies after a good catch and shepherds tied the knot after the calf season.

Before the wedding ceremony, the bride is usually given a rushnyk ( a flower with a combination). Her parents manifest her with bread and salt and ask for their grace. They also give the couple ektenias ( a ring ) that symbolizes a slavic marriage and a promise of faithfulness and fidelity. The bride wears a mask, which she never takes off, except to go to the restroom ukrainian brides. It was considered a bad sign to taking off the mask during the ceremony, and in old times it was typical to condemn a wedding who did so.

After the service the newlyweds walk through the streets of the town, with folks throwing seeds of grain, sweets and cash for happiness and prosperity. They also stop at native memorials and offer memorial. The wedding ceremony is supervised by a master of ceremonies called a” Tamada”. He is a raucous friend who runs the diverse tournaments.

When the bride leaves her parents ‘ residence, she takes with her a jacket that she should maintain, not to give away or permit someone touch. The couple’s cousins tested the wedding by asking her questions and requesting fluids from her. If they placed funds on a basket, the wife do supply them water or answer their inquiries.

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